Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cast-radise 2

Same Location, Different Time!
IMA Gene, The Trevally Killer!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Bigeye Trevally?
Daiwa Branzino 3000
Daiwa Branzino Casting Rod
YGK Castman 16lbs
Surface Cruiser

Went casting about 5mins away from my shop and landed this.

Dropped another Bluefin Trevally slightly bigger then this just by the side of the landing.

Had approx. 5 more bites but not solid hook ups!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bangkok - Thailand

Bangkok - Thailand.
Big Fish.
Hot Chicks.
= Paradise!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Friday, March 13, 2009

Pekan - Malaysia

Golden Trevally Taken on light Tackle
Daiwa Morethan Branzino
14lbs YGK Castman
Evergreen Poseidon PE 2
40grams IMA GUN

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Sorry for the video on its side, was trying to edit it and encountered some problems. Will try to get it done some time later. As it was my first GT, i kinda over reacted. Hahaha.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jaka Jaka!

One of the most productive days of jigging. Dropped a total of at least 4 monsters. A few snapped my lines and a few took my hooks.
Gave away 1 Rainbow Runner , 1 Green Jobfish , 1 Flutemouth , 2 Mackerels

Giant Trevally


Rainbow Runners

Longfin Trevally and some other Trevally

Green Jobfish

Coral Trouts

Total Catch + 5 more given away