Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cast-radise 2

Same Location, Different Time!
IMA Gene, The Trevally Killer!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Bigeye Trevally?
Daiwa Branzino 3000
Daiwa Branzino Casting Rod
YGK Castman 16lbs
Surface Cruiser

Went casting about 5mins away from my shop and landed this.

Dropped another Bluefin Trevally slightly bigger then this just by the side of the landing.

Had approx. 5 more bites but not solid hook ups!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bangkok - Thailand

Bangkok - Thailand.
Big Fish.
Hot Chicks.
= Paradise!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Friday, March 13, 2009

Pekan - Malaysia

Golden Trevally Taken on light Tackle
Daiwa Morethan Branzino
14lbs YGK Castman
Evergreen Poseidon PE 2
40grams IMA GUN

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Sorry for the video on its side, was trying to edit it and encountered some problems. Will try to get it done some time later. As it was my first GT, i kinda over reacted. Hahaha.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jaka Jaka!

One of the most productive days of jigging. Dropped a total of at least 4 monsters. A few snapped my lines and a few took my hooks.
Gave away 1 Rainbow Runner , 1 Green Jobfish , 1 Flutemouth , 2 Mackerels

Giant Trevally


Rainbow Runners

Longfin Trevally and some other Trevally

Green Jobfish

Coral Trouts

Total Catch + 5 more given away

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Today was a pretty lucky day, we went out jigging a few places. Caught some Longfin Trevally , Big Eye Trevally, Mackerels , Crimson Jobfish.

We saw a few floating log and decided to go towards it. Within minutes we were rewared with a nice Mahi Mahi.

After sometime with nothing else getting hooked up, we decided to moved down to another spot.

This time, one the first drop i got a huge big pull. It was a coronation trout one the other end of the line. I was fighting it halfway when suddenly, something pulled the line real hard and i fell of the top part of the boat. After picking myself up i started to reel the fish in and to my amazement 3 huge sharks were following behind him. As i pulled out the fish, 60% of it was already taxed. The coronation trout tipped the scale at 10kg++ when its 60% taxed! Boatman estimated it to be over 20++kg.

Also had 2 unstoppable trains at the same spot that snapped my 50lbs and 60lbs line again. =/
A Sevenseas Hooker Jig to go.

Taxed Coronation Trout

Dead MahiMahi

Mahimahi after being caught

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today has got to be the most unforgettable day in my fishing life yet.

At about 5pm, i jigged for awhile and something started taking my 50lbs braid like nobody's business. After a good 30mins fight without gimbles or harness, my arms were aching like crazy. We finally got to see what in the world was that, a over 2 meters long bronze whaler shark! The shark was more then half the boat size that i was in! Estimated at 120LBS, i thought of bringing it in as i've never tasted shark meat before. Everytime it got close enough for a gaff shot, it will take a deep long dive and i have to begin the long tiring retrieve all over again. When it finally tire out, we got him right at the boatside but nobody could've imagined the last burst of energy he gave which he flipped over and bite off my leader.

And earlier in the afternoon, we had 2 unstoppable trains that broke off my mainline 60lbs and 70lbs braid in a matter of seconds. One broke at the bimini, another just broke off clean off the mainline.

As a result, i've lost a few jigs and no fishes to take pictures with. :(

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


My Stella 10000 SW PG has finally arrived.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Gave away like 5 Coronation Trout and 2 of that long fish which i forgot the name of it. One sweetlips and another fish too.

The ones i brought home with me.

Dogtooth Tuna on IMA RO jig

Dogtooth Tuna


Sunday, February 1, 2009


All this fishes are landed by me alone!

There was a storm brewing in the early afternoon so i had to wait till it went down to go out fishing. The moment the storm subsided, we rushed out.

Within 30mins of hitting out in the sea i caught 15 Mack Tunas and 1 SkipJack Tuna.
In the next 2 hours i caught the other fishes shown there and the storm came back and we had to rush out of the area.

The shortest trip yet ever.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Parcel 2 from Australia

Second parcel from Australia!

Fishing DVDs

Piano Tackle Box

Stella 20000 SW